Source code for hermes.proxy

"""Basic XPub/XSub Proxy Interface for a cluster."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

# Import Built-Ins
import logging
from threading import Thread

# Import Third-Party
import zmq

# Import Homebrew

# Init Logging Facilities
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PostOffice(Thread): """ Class to forward subscriptions from publishers to subscribers. Uses :const:`zmq.XSUB` & :const:`zmq.XPUB` ZMQ sockets to act as intermediary. Subscribe to these using the respective PUB or SUB socket by binding to the same address as XPUB or XSUB device. """ def __init__(self, proxy_in, proxy_out, debug_addr=None): """ Initialize a :class:`hermes.PostOffice` instance. The addresses used when instantiating these are also the ones your publihser and receiver nodes should bind to. :param proxy_in: ZMQ Address, including port - facing towards cluster nodes :param proxy_out: ZMQ address, including port - facing away from cluster nodes :param debug_addr: ZMQ address, including port """ self.xsub_url = proxy_in self.xpub_url = proxy_out self._debug_addr = debug_addr self.ctx = zmq.Context() super(PostOffice, self).__init__() @property def debug_addr(self): """Return debug socket's address.""" return self._debug_addr @property def running(self): """Check if the thread is still alive and running.""" return self.is_alive()
[docs] def stop(self, timeout=None): """Stop the thread. :param timeout: timeout in seconds to wait for join """ self.ctx.term() self.join(timeout)
[docs] def run(self): """ Serve XPub-XSub Sockets. Relays Publisher Socket data to Subscribers, and allows subscribers to sub to that data. Offers the benefit of having a single static address to connect to a cluster. :return: :class:`None` """ ctx = self.ctx"Setting up XPUB ZMQ socket..") xpub = ctx.socket(zmq.XPUB)"Binding XPUB socket facing subscribers to %s..", self.xpub_url) xpub.bind(self.xpub_url)"Setting up XSUB ZMQ socket..") xsub = ctx.socket(zmq.XSUB)"Binding XSUB socket facing publishers to %s..", self.xsub_url) xsub.bind(self.xsub_url) # Set up a debug socket, if address is given. if self.debug_addr: debug_pub = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) debug_pub.bind(self.debug_addr) else: debug_pub = None"Launching poll loop..") try: zmq.proxy(xpub, xsub, debug_pub) except zmq.error.ContextTerminated: xpub.close() xsub.close() debug_pub.close()"Closed sockets, Proxy terminated")