Hermes - Reference

Module loader.

Node Class to pull together receivers and publishers.

Functions as the smallest available unit with which can be communicated in a cluster.

It offers slots for a Publisher and Receiver object. Each of these must implement at least a start() and stop() function, as well as a recv() (Receiver) and publish() (Publisher) method. The passed objects are therefore not limited to hermes.Publisher and hermes.Receiver objects.

When left unmodified, the Node will simply pass data from the receiver to the publisher.

hermes.Node supports the with statement and will start up all facilities it has stored in its instance’s hermes.Node.facilities property. These will also be stopped after leaving the with block, respectively.

class hermes.node.Node(name, receiver=None, publisher=None)[source]

Basic Node Class.

Provides a basic interface for starting and stopping a node.

Extend this as necessary.


Return the names of facilities registered with this hermes.Node instance.

publish(channel, data)[source]

Publish the given data to channel, if it is available.

The object must implement hermes.Publisher.publish() method, otherwise a :exception:NotImplementedError is raised.

The topic is generated from channel and

  • channel – topic tree
  • data – Data object to send via the publisher.


recv(block=False, timeout=None)[source]

Receive data from the receiver instance, if available.

The object at :attr:hermes.node.Node.receiver must implement a recv(block, timeout) method, otherwise an NotImplementedError is raised.


Execute the main loop, which can be extended as necessary.

If not extended, the following loop will be executed while hermes.Node._running is True:

  1. call hermes.Node.recv() and check if there’s a message
  2. if a message was received:
    call hermes.Node.publish() and send message.
  3. Repeat.

Start the hermes.Node instance and its facilities.


Stop the hermes.Node instance and its facilities.

Receiver Component for usage in Node class.

class hermes.receiver.Receiver(sub_addr, name, topics=None, exchanges=None)[source]

Class providing a connection to one or many ZMQ Publisher(s).


Join the hermes.Receiver instance.

Clears the hermes.Receiver._is_running flag, causing a graceful shutdown of the run loop.

Parameters:timeout – timeout in seconds passed to threading.Thread.join()
recv(block=False, timeout=None)[source]

Wrap around Queue.get().

Returns the popped value or None if the queue.Queue is empty.

Returns:data or None

Execute the custom run loop for the hermes.Receiver class.

It connectos to a ZMQ publisher on the local machine using the ports found in hermes.Receiver.ports. If this is empty, it simply loops doing nothing.


Stop the hermes.Receiver instance.

Parameters:timeout – time in seconds until TimeOutError is raised

Publisher component for use in a Node class.

class hermes.publisher.Publisher(target_addr, name, ctx=None, socket_type=None)[source]

Allows publishing data to subscribers.

The publishing is realized with ZMQ’s Publisher sockets, and supports publishing to multiple subscribers.

The method continuously checks for data on the internal q, which is fed by the hermes.Publisher.publish() method.


Join the hermes.Publisher instance and shut it down.

Clears the hermes.Publisher._running flag to gracefully terminate the run loop.

Parameters:timeout – timeout in seconds to wait for hermes.Publisher.join() to finish

Publish the given data to all current subscribers.

Parameters:envelopehermes.Envelope instance

Customized run loop to publish data.

Sets up a ZMQ publisher socket and sends data as soon as it is available on the internal Queue at hermes.Publisher.q.


Stop the hermes.Publisher instance.

Parameters:timeout – time in seconds until TimeOutError is raised

Basic XPub/XSub Proxy Interface for a cluster.

class hermes.proxy.PostOffice(proxy_in, proxy_out, debug_addr=None)[source]

Class to forward subscriptions from publishers to subscribers.

Uses zmq.XSUB & zmq.XPUB ZMQ sockets to act as intermediary. Subscribe to these using the respective PUB or SUB socket by binding to the same address as XPUB or XSUB device.


Return debug socket’s address.


Serve XPub-XSub Sockets.

Relays Publisher Socket data to Subscribers, and allows subscribers to sub to that data. Offers the benefit of having a single static address to connect to a cluster.


Check if the thread is still alive and running.


Stop the thread.

Parameters:timeout – timeout in seconds to wait for join

Data structs for use within the hermes ecosystem.

class hermes.structs.Envelope(topic_tree, origin, data, ts=None)[source]

Transport Object for data being sent between hermes components via ZMQ.

It is encouraged to use hermes.Message as data for more complex data objects, but all JSON-serializable built-in data types are supported.

They track topic and origin of the data they transport, as well as the timestamp it was last updated at. Updates occur automatically whenever hermes.Envelope.serialize() is called. This timestamp can be used to detect Slow-Subscriber-Syndrome by hermes.Receiver and to initiate the suicidal snail pattern.


Encode the hermes.Envelope attributes as a list of json-serialized strings.

Parameters:encoding – the encoding to us for str.encode(), default UTF-8
Returns:list of bytes

alias of Message

classmethod load_from_frames(frames, encoding=None)[source]

Load json to a new hermes.Envelope instance.

Automatically converts to string if the passed object is a bytes.encode() object.

  • frames – Frames, as received by zmq.socket.recv_multipart()
  • encoding – The encoding to use for bytes.encode(); default UTF-8

hermes.Envelope instance


Update the hermes.Envelope timestamp.

class hermes.structs.Message(ts=None)[source]

Basic Struct class for data sent via an hermes.Envelope.

Provides basic and dynamic load and dump functions to easily load data to and from it.

If you have complex data types, consider extending this class, as it requires less overhead than, for example, dictionaries, by using __slots__.

The class’s timestamp attribute (ts) denotes the time of which the data was received.

classmethod load(data)[source]

Load data into a new data struct.

Parameters:data – iterable, as transported by hermes.Envelope

Serialize this data struct to bytes.

Parameters:encoding – Encoding to use in str.encode()
Returns:data of this struct as bytes